Sanzar Group wins the “AERONAUTICS INNOVATION AWARD 2023”.
We are pleased to announce that SANZAR has won the 2023 Aeronautical Innovation Award, given annually by the Official College of Aeronautical Engineers of Spain (COIAE), for its patented control and guidance system designed to improve the efficiency of space operations. The system reduces the weight of the satellite, improving its performance by more than 75% and reducing life cycle costs by 43%.
The SANZAR AIA aerospace inertial actuator, presented to the award by the founder and president of Sanzar Group, Marco Ruano, can be integrated into satellites of any size, as reported in specialized aerospace media such as Flynews, Actualidad Aeroespacial and Infoespacial.

Cost Savings
The development will drastically reduce the weight of current control systems. For example, it has the capacity to produce the same torque as a 100 kg device, but requires only 12 kg, representing a saving of €23.4 million, assuming a space weight cost of €300,000/kg (Jones, 2015).
In addition, it increases control and maneuverability by more than 75% over existing control systems; assuming space station operating costs can be as high as 51% of total lifetime costs, this means an operating cost savings of €78 million on a €100 million space system (design, development, evaluation, test, and launch costs).
Commercialization in 2025
The Madrid-based company has developed a first technological demonstrator (MVP1) that will be tested in an airborne environment in 2022. Today they have a second version (MVP2) that will be tested in a space environment and the first test in space next year, with the aim of starting its commercialization in 2025.
Thus, the company’s R&D strategy is to ensure the continuity of the differential technological development in the coming years, implementing the AIA together with its control software on different space platforms: Agile satellites, observation satellites, communication satellites, mini-satellites. The AIA is a plug-and-play device, easily adaptable to any platform through simple scaling, supporting the evolution and implementation of technologies with a significant impact on the increase of space operations and applications.

Sanzar explotará comercialmente su tecnología a través de un modelo de negocio B2B con el apoyo de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) y colaboraciones con otras empresas tecnológicas. Tiene el objetivo de introducirse en un mercado global de giroscopios de 4,98 mil millones para 2028 lo cual respalda su estrategia comercial.
Con un equipo joven e internacional de 9 ingenieros y con clara vocación internacional, dispone de oficinas en España, India, Paraguay y Túnez. Espera generar beneficios en cascada facilitando y abaratando el acceso a datos y comunicaciones espaciales en todo el mundo.
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